A Unique Strain of Algae - HTB-1
Researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Institute for Marine and Environmental Technologies (UMCES/IMET) are world-renowned for their expertise in isolating algae down to its DNA. Under a Maryland Industrial Partnerships grant, UMCES/IMET researchers isolated the best strain of algae to work with
HY-TEK Bio's technology and provided support for HY-TEK Bio to fine-tune the algae and HY-TEK Bio's technology to work together optimally.
HY-TEK Bio's unique algal strain (HTB-1) is not genetically modified, yet it excels at tolerance of CO2, pH, and temperature. It also grows at a rapid rate which is further improved through the application of HY-TEK Bio's patent-pending technologies. HTB-1 provides the basic components for an enormous variety of marketable products, including lipid oil, lutein/zeaxanthin, carbohydrates, and proteins, while its oil a direct replacement for palm oil.

UNIQUE Containment
HY-TEK Bio bioreactors are custom designed and constructed using a unique process that alleviates the immense cost of traditional closed bioreactor containment.
HY-TEK Bio bioreactors provide the best-optimized fit for any carbon emitting facility and available footprint.

We have discovered, through years of research, how to maximize algal growth and maximize energy efficiency through proprietary grow lights that feature a unique technology developed by our Founder Robert Mroz that uses a patent-pending process called “Pulsed Photosynthesis”.
This process not only uses a unique LED phosphor to produce only the wavelengths of light the algae use, but it works directly with the organism’s Electron Transport Chain to convert more photons to energy for photosynthesis.

Optimizing algae growth isn't complete without the right nutrients, but when the nutrient cost is prohibitive, the process can become unsustainable. HY-TEK Bio has deeply researched the use of chicken manure - loaded with nitrates, phosphates, and multiple micro-nutrients – which are the main requirements for algal growth.
An almost unlimited supply of chicken manure is available worldwide, which HY-TEK Bio has developed a process to convert into a clear, odorless liquid saturated with Nitrogen and Phosphorus as a liquid nutrient.

Gas Injection MANAGEMENT
Research and testing on bubble rise velocity and dissolution effects have led HY-TEK Bio to the optimal method for injecting gas into an algal culture to achieve optimum transfer of flue gas chemistry into the algal culture. This means maximum mitigation per Liter of algae.
HY-TEK Bio's solutions provide an effective mitigation strategy, regulatory relief, and greater public acceptance of industrial pollution mitigation.